Self Defense Moves That Could Save Your Life

4 Great tips for Self-Protection

Can you protect yourself if no one else is around?  If you think the answer is no, you may want to re-evaluate your priorities today. Since anything can happen at any time of the day or night, you always need to prepare just in case the inevitable does occur.  Fortunately, you can get started with a simple self protection plan that includes the following tips.

Tip #1 –  Stay calm

Though this kind of encounter can be very frightening, you need to be able to think quick on your feet. Giving in to fear may result in actions that can be avoided even when it involves someone trying to rob or assault you.   By remaining calm, you will have a better chance of getting away safely rather than reacting in an irrational way that unnecessarily prematurely provoking the person that you dealing with.

Tip #2-  Keep close — Try to Render them Helpless

Rather than pulling away from the person that you are dealing with, you should remain as close as possible. By clinging to the attacker, you have a chance to hit hard and quick so that they cannot respond quickly enough for you to render them harmless. Your goal is to hit them first instead of waiting for the person to make the first move.  It is the element of surprise that can take them completely off guard and they will have a lesser chance of recovering before you can getaway.


Tip #3-  Hit where it hurts — Do as Much Damage as Possible Quickly

Another part of the element of surprise is to hit quick and hit hard enough to do enough damage to weaken the person. For example, if you are good at kicking and punching, you may want to do both. But, always hit in an area of the body that will do the most harm. For instance, if it is a man that is doing the attacking, you can always hit them in the throat or the groan.


Tip #4- To Give Yourself a Chance to Getaway Quickly –  Push Your Attacker to the ground

You will have a better chance of getting away from the person that is trying to attack you if you can manage to push them to the ground.  By knocking the person off their feet, it is not easy but more difficult for them to get their balance, and you can run as quickly as possible.






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